International Standard Executive & Workers Camps at Samalaju Completed

Tuesday, 6 September 2011, Samalaju – For global industries setting up at Samalaju Industrial Park (SIP), the initial concern of finding suitable and safe housing for employees and workers involved in constructing their world-class plants and factories is now no longer an issue. The recent completion of two camps for executives and workers at SIP by Samalaju Property Development has added to the ease of locating a heavy industry to SCORE and Sarawak.

According to Samalaju Property Development CEO, Isaac Lugun, “The Sarawak State Government is committed to providing the global industries coming to Sarawak with workers camps, complete with facilities and services, of an acceptable international standard.” With Samalaju Industrial Park located approximately 60 km from Bintulu, the task of transporting workers daily to the construction sites at SIP is challenge and taxing.

“Samalaju Property Development is proud to have stepped up to the plate and completed the development of two temporary camps – one for workers and another for executives – at Samalaju Industrial Park. These camps have set the benchmark for temporary workers camps and executive accommodation in Malaysia to be at par with similar facilities in other leading industrial hubs in the Middle East, Singapore and elsewhere”, added Isaac Lugun. Both camps are being operated by an experienced camp operator.

The temporary workers camp, comprising 9 dormitory blocks and dedicated blocks for a large canteen, laundry room, administration and even a commercial block, was completed in 6 months at the end of June 2011. The first occupants to the camp were workers attached to Japanese entities, Tokuyama and Chiyoda.

The temporary executive camp, comprising an initial 3 blocks of rooms with en-suite bathroom plus an amenities block, was completed on time at the end of July 2011. Another 2 blocks are currently under construction at the request of a client to house more executives who will be posted to Samalaju in the coming weeks.

The workers and executive camps have scored well with the Sarawak Government. The Sarawak State Secretary and senior Government officials recently made a visit to the camps and were pleasantly surprised to see the international standard facilities readied for foreign investors coming to Sarawak.

Samalaju Property Development is a joint-venture of two of Sarawak’s leading private sector conglomerates, Cahya Mata Sarawak and Naim Cendera, along with Sarawak Government agency Bintulu Development Authority.