
Pilot CMS Management Trainee Development Programme Kicks-Off

Tuesday, 2 November 2010, Kuching – With the start of November, CMS Group opened its doors to the first batch of graduates under a year-long CMS Management Trainee Development Programme (MTDP). Reporting for duty on 1 November 2010 were 11 graduates selected from a pool of 80 short-listed applicants. Another 3 graduates will join the Programme in the coming weeks.

According to CMS Group Managing Director Dato’ Richard Curtis, “The MTDP supports our Group’s strategy of investing in human capital that can contribute to our CMS’ future and to Sarawak as a whole. With SCORE, there are so many opportunities in excellent jobs.”

“Whilst one may have graduated in a particular technical field, exposure and learning of other corporate functions and management skills will make for a better, all-rounded, individual who can look forward to being a more effective manager and eventually a leader. A good start in one’s career with high quality on-the-job training and exposure is important. This is what CMS aims to achieve in our MTDP”, added Dato’ Richard.

CMS’ first batch of management trainees represents a wide spectrum of backgrounds. Some graduated from local universities based in Sarawak and in Peninsular Malaysia, whilst others attended universities in Australia. The team comprises Malay, Chinese, Orang Ulu and Penan graduates.

The MTDP began with a full week of orientation on CMS Group with briefings by mentors and advisors and site visits. Following that will be attachments to corporate functions such as Finance, Human Resources, Audit and Communications, before under-going structured training at CMS subsidiaries.