Construction Materials & Trading Division

The Construction Materials & Trading Division is committed, as far as practicable, to preventing the accidental loss of any of its resources, including employees and physical assets. In fulfilling this commitment, Management will:

  • Provide and maintain a safe work environment in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 in relation to planning, operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment
  • Strive to identify and eliminate or control any foreseeable risks or hazards which may result in property damage, accidents or personal injury / illness
  • Provide continuous information on Occupational Safety and Health, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary and practicable to ensure the safety and health of our employees

Minimising accidents and injury at our work site requires active employee involvement by all managers, supervisors, employees, contractors and our guests. It is the responsibility of everyone to recognise the risks and hazards at the work place, and to practise safe and healthy working procedures and behavior at all times.

Promoting safety and good health practices are part of our core business values. Join us in making a personal commitment today and everyday to ‘Make Safety Our Way of Life at CMS’.

Environmental Policy

SEDC Quarries Sdn Bhd is committed to protect its environment through the following:

  • Comply with all applicable environmental legal and other requirements
  • Maintaining and improving the environmental management system
  • Seek out technologies for prevention of pollution
  • Quantitative environment performance to ensure compliance with regulatory requirement