CMS Cement Sdn Bhd seeks to realign perceptions around the cement industry

Kuching, Sarawak – August 3, 2012 – CMS Cement Sdn Bhd, Sarawak’s sole cement producer and manufacturer today held a media briefing to realign the perception that external stakeholders have of the cement industry as a whole. In the last week, the cement industry has generated much conversation with speculation that cement companies in Malaysia would be increasing their prices. Within hours of the initial reports of the price hike, CMS Cement released a response categorically stating that they would not be increasing their prices.

Tuan Haji Othman Abdul Rani, Head of Cement Division, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of CMS Cement Sdn Bhd said, “CMS Cement has always remained committed to the socio-economic growth of the state and to facilitate this, we will not be increasing our prices.”

The price rise debate is not the only misconception that the industry has faced as rumours of production and distribution manipulation, monopolisation and shortages have also been reported. CMS Cement stepped-up to quash such speculation at the media briefing with Tuan Haji Othman Abdul Rani saying “CMS Cement has a capacity to produce 5,500 metric tonnes per day and we distribute 5,300 metric tonnes per day as per the demand. Generally this output changes if external factors interrupt the production as was the case a few weeks ago when delivery of raw materials from Vietnam and Thailand was delayed due to bad weather. However even in that instance, CMS Cement imported cement to relieve the constraints.”

The question of monopolisation was also addressed as the state has no restrictions and anyone can enter the market and produce, manufacture or import cement. CMS Cement continues to remain committed to being the catalyst for Sarawak’s growth even though the geography, terrain, population spread and accessibility to raw materials causes a logistical conundrum.

When speaking about moving Sarawak forward, Tuan Haji Othman Abdul Rani added, “CMS Cement is looking to engage with third party dealers, downstream product users and business associations. By engaging with these three key stakeholder groups, we hope to champion open advocacy, foster closer working relations and provide a clear roadmap to drive Sarawak to reach the state’s full potential. It is our belief that we must all work together. CMS Cement offers in all three engagement instances to act as secretariat and facilitator, bringing parties together and moving in one unified direction.”