
Keeping Children Safe on the Road SALCO sponsors Tunku Putra School’s “BUCKLE UP” campaign

Thursday, 12 February 2009, Kuching — It is a fact – wearing seatbelts saves lives. This is why SALCO is supporting the “Buckle Up” community campaign for Tunku Putra School.

SALCO’s efforts to raise awareness of the importance of wearing rear seatbelts began in mid-2008.

SALCO’s support was welcomed by Tunku Putra students and teachers who since May 2008 have been energetically reminding its small community to “Buckle Up”, to drive carefully and to cross roads with caution at all times.

SALCO is happy to assist this community campaign which can help save young lives and educate children about safety. “Feedback tells us the campaign is effective and that word has spread about how important it is to use seatbelts”, said Greg Rashford SALCO’s Acting Chief Executive Officer.

Retractable seatbelt sets have been installed in two school buses used by Tunku Putra to ferry its students from school to external locations. The seatbelts are easy to use and prevent children from slipping out of their bus seats.

The benefit of wearing seatbelts on the school bus extends to building the good habit to ‘buckle up’ when traveling in any vehicle. In the longer term, it is hoped that all Sarawak buses will have seatbelts as a standard requirement.

The reminder to “Buckle Up” is also carried in colourful, larger-than-life posters and signboards made of recyclable material standing on the school grounds.

As an added bonus, SALCO has brought the “Buckle Up” message to the public. The rear ends of Tunku Putra school buses sport a shiny weather-proof sticker as a reminder to everyone to stay safe!

Tunku Putra School, located in Kuching, Sarawak, has approximately 525 students.