
Sibanyis Quarry to commence operations in February 2011

Monday, 10 January 2011, Kuching – CMS Group’s fifth quarry, Sibanyis Quarry, is due to commence operations by February 2011 following the successful trial operation of its primary crusher on 30 December 2010.

According to CMS Quarries Operation Manager, Chan Fook Hong, “Package 1 of the project consisting earthworks, building and civil works is now 90% completed. Works on Package 2, comprising fabrication and installation of the quarry plant, is progressing well. The primary section of the Plant, ie the crusher, has been completed while the secondary crusher is now 35% completed.”

Beaming with confidence, Chan explained that the Plant is expected to commence commercial operation by February 2011 with the primary crusher producing the 6 – 9 inch block stones and the secondary crusher producing the DCR stone aggregates.”

Sibanyis Quarry is located 2.4 km (approximately 1.5 miles) north-east of the intersection of Mile 15 Kuching-Serian Road and the Kuching Outer Ring Road. Built at a total project cost of RM23.5 million, the quarry has a plant capacity of 900,000 metric tones (mt) per annum.

The range of stone aggregates to be produced will be the 6 – 9 inch, 3 inch DCR, 1.5 – 2 inch and ¾ inch stones. In addition, Sibanyis will be able to produce quarry sand.

Gunong Sibanyis quarry stones are suitable for building and road construction. The stone aggregates can be also used for runway surfacing as it is a hard rock identified as microtonalite from an igneous origin.

Once Sibanyis Quarry begins full operation, it will be the new flagship quarry of CMS Group and a major contributor to CMS Group’s quarrying business. Detailed geological studies have indicated a proven stone reserve of 69 million mt when quarried up to the 20 m contour ground level. This stone reserve is expected to last about 77 years of operation based on an annual production capacity of 900,000 mt per annum.

As microtonalite is an intrusive rock, the quarry life of Sibanyis can be easily extended to over 100 years. When stone deposits above ground level have been depleted, the open cast operation using quarry benches can be developed below the 20 m contour ground level.

With the advent of demand for stone aggregates from SCORE, Sibanyis Quarry is ready to operate 12 hours a day, 6 – 7 days a week, to meet demand.

According to Chan, the locality of Gunong Sibanyis, near the intersection of Mile 15 Kuching-Serian Road and Kuching Outer Ring Road, makes the quarry strategic. “Stone aggregates can be shipped to SCORE projects in central and northern Sarawak by barge via our existing jetty at Pending.”

In addition, a second jetty is currently being studied by CMS Construction Material SBU at Samarahan to facilitate transportation of stone aggregates to complement the existing Pending jetty.

As with all CMS manufacturing operations, safety is a priority – not just for workers on-site but also for the surrounding communities. It is important that the Group adopt good management and safety standards.

According to CMS Quarries Safety & Health Officer, Neuchlos Jub, “All safety precautions and practices, would comply with DOSH (Department of Safety & Health) safety standards during the construction phase and when the quarry commences operation.”

Similar to CMS’ other quarries, the importance of adequate safety awareness and knowledge of how to avoid danger are enforced. Relevant mitigation measures are employed. These include equipping workers with Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and specific safety and health training in order to minimize accidents on-site, both during construction and operation.

(Story by Dayang Nurul Izni bt Abang Ibrahim and Chai Chien Liang, CMS Management Trainees 2010).