Tunku Putra School Scores High in International Exams

Wednesday 26 January 2011, Kuching – The academic year 2011 got off to a good start for Tunku Putra School with excellent news of the high scores attained by its students who sat for the international-based Cambridge school examinations for Year 6 and the Year 11 International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE).

Of the 20 International Primary Year 6 students who sat for the Cambridge Achievement Tests in 2010, three students achieved the perfect score of 6/6 in all 3 subjects. An additional 50% achieved Grade A in all 3 subjects.

Overall, 100% of the students passed the Mathematics paper. Some 64% achieved the perfect score (6/6) and 91% achieved Grade A. In Science, half of the students attained the perfect score while 45% achieved Grade A. In English, 20% of students achieved the perfect score (6/6) and 70% achieved Grade A.

In the IGCSE examinations for Year 11 students, outstanding grades of A* (where candidates scored 90% or more) were achieved by students in Chemistry, Business Studies, Art & Design, English as a First Language, and English as a Second Language papers.

The A grade was received by students in Additional Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English language papers, Korean, and in Art & Design.

In high spirits following receipt of the IGCSE results, TPS International Secondary Coordinator, Ray Cooper, is enthusiastic for the new group of A Level students who have just begun their 2 year programme.

According to Ray Cooper, “Our School’s low ratio of students to teachers brings immense benefit to the students. Some are even taught one-on-one by experienced expatriate teachers. We are very hopeful that this individual attention will yield excellent results. Add that to the other positive life values that students learn at Tunku Putra and you get a holistic education at our School.”

Tunku Putra School currently offers the A Level programme in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Management, Economics, Business Studies, English Literature and Art & Design.

The A level qualifications are widely recognised around the world as being the standard entry qualification for universities.

Tunku Putra School’s 2 year Cambridge International Examination (CIE) A Level programme begins in January. Most students take four subjects at the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level, which is assessed in October / November of the first year. English Literature is a popular option for the fourth subject as this enables students to continuously improve in their linguistic skills and to develop critical thinking skills that can then be applied in other subjects.

For the second year, many students choose to concentrate on three subjects in line with the minimum number of A levels required for university entrance. Students can also choose to continue the fourth subject into the second year of the programme.

Student numbers per class at Tunku Putra are deliberately kept small to enable teachers to provide maximum attention to students.

In addition to the School’s highly qualified and experienced teachers for the AS and A level courses, teachers regularly attend workshops organised by CIE and participate in online programmes to continuously improve their professional development to keep up with syllabus updates, current teaching practice and methodologies set by CIE.

Tunku Putra School is located in Petra Jaya, Kuching. The School’s student enrolment is now 600 strong, made up of students from Malaysia, Korea, Australia, the USA, and Europe.

Student enrolment is welcomed until the end of February 2011 for an immediate start. For enquiries and further information, parents can call Tunku Putra School at 082 313 900 or email info@tps.edu.my