Tunku Putra scores 100% pass in PMR 2009

Thursday, 24 December 2009, Kuching – For the second successive year, Tunku Putra School has recorded a 100% pass rate in the Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) examinations. “These are wonderful results for the second successive year for our School which has just completed its second PMR programme”, said a proud School Principal, Dr Suzanne Collins, on the announcement of results today.

Four students scored straights As in the seven subjects taken at the recent PMR National school examinations.

Of particular significance was Tunku Putra’s performance in the English language paper where 100% of its students scored A in the subject.

Overall, approximately 60% of students scored A in Mathematics, Science and Geography.

The excellent results of PMR 2009 follow closely on the recent National Primary 6 UPSR examination results in which 95.5% of Tunku Putra students achieved 100% passes.